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God, Aliens, And Flying Saucers

For those of you who read my last post-Train Of Thought, you may remember it finished with closing the cage door. While I was writing that particular post I got to thinking If there is no God or Afterlife then where do we go from here?

My thoughts go back in time to the days when cavemen became a dominant feature on Earth. If you watch certain television documentaries “Ancient Aliens” spring to mind, we are told that cave paintings from way back in time depict images of Aliens dropping from the sky in what appears to be… dare I say it?… Flying Saucers, and other such futuristic shapes.

The futuristic images I speak of are there for all to see should we go looking for them. However, my thoughts throughout this post are purely imaginative speculation on my part. There is no scientific evidence to support the theory of aliens visiting our planet in the distant past. Fact is many experts attribute these depictions of various images to cultural and spiritual beliefs of ancient civilizations, rather than extraterrestrial visitations.

The rest of this post is my weird imagination at work and is only a what if this science fiction scenario is true and then perhaps we would be rather silly if not naive to think we are the only intelligent life forms in this vast Universe/Galaxy of ours.

Take it With A Pinch Of Salt

Now this is where my weird imagination takes over. supposing those cave paintings are a fact of what did happen long ago. This may then imply that we were deposited here on Mother Earth in our early stages of development by highly intelligent Alien Beings.

Not because we had a part to play in this vast universe/galaxy, but purely as an experiment. Yes, an experiment to see if left alone how we would develop over the centuries while our masters looked on enjoying what they saw, very much like we do with our pets: dogs, cats, rabbits whatever your preference.

Is it possible these Super Beings are/were our masters? We are their pets, and Earth is our cage?

Purely Speculative

Now many centuries later we are close to visiting the stars and beyond ourselves and just maybe. Supposing we are the pet project of Super Beings who for many centuries have watched their experiment grow.

Could we now be looked upon as an experiment gone wrong? Has the speed of our evolutionary processes surprised our masters (caught them napping)? Have we been allowed out to play too often for far too long? Have we exceeded the expectations of our masters?

On the other hand, could it be we have now become a threat to our Universe, because we are now in a position to take our dog-eat-dog nature to the stars and beyond, to infect the rest of those unknown inhabitants of other worlds?

Are our masters now regretting their experiments of centuries ago? Do they now wonder what went wrong and are looking to stop us? … So many unanswered questions. Maybe the time is fast approaching and our masters have decided it is time to close our cage door and stop us from reaching the stars and beyond.

The Facts

Furthermore the existence of extraterrestrial life is still an open question in science. While the vastness of the universe suggests the possibility of other intelligent civilizations, we currently lack definitive evidence of their existence.

As for humans becoming a threat to any potential extraterrestrial civilizations, this is purely speculative on my part. We have not yet made contact that I am aware with any extraterrestrial beings, so any speculation about their intentions or reactions toward us is purely conjecture.

Well, I do acknowledge having a weird imagination. Good night, sleep tight watch the bed bugs don’t bite… Bye for now. (For entertainment only I hope (Shahd)).

Feature Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

Extraterrestrial Life: There is no conclusive proof (Shahdaroba 2024).

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