Not Quite What Was Expected
Have you ever opened your door to answer someone knocking and found it was not that long-awaited parcel, instead you find yourself face to face with two individuals preaching the Bible.
Well, this happened to me a little while ago. I do not know why I let myself be drawn into talking about the bible and what God wants or doesn’t want. Normally I would tell them politely I carried my faith close to my chest and did not like talking about it to strangers.
This weird partial post is the result of part of that conversation.
Banished From Paradise
During their visit to my door we touched on the subject of Adam and Eve and their two sons. Saying to the two canvassers “Who knows the story of Adam and Eve may have been a child’s bedtime story of the times so long ago” i.e. Be a good little person or you may end up losing your most revered possession and go to Hell or something along those lines.
If you hold your religious beliefs close to your chest and have a closed mind to debate I would respectfully suggest you read no further. If you choose to continue please remember I call this post my weird thoughts. I emphasize weird (what if… ) and do not intend to offend anyone.
Well here goes… If we did evolve from Adam and Eve what does that say about the life and times of Adam and Eve?
Genesis (chapters 2-3)
According to the book of Genesis (chapters 2-3), Adam and Eve were the first humans created by God. They lived in the Garden of Eden, a paradise on earth, where they had direct access to God and could communicate with Him freely.
Adam was the first human created by God, formed from dust and placed in the garden to tend it (Genesis 2:15). He was responsible for naming all creatures in the garden. Eve was created from one of Adam’s ribs while he was in a deep sleep, making her his companion and partner (Genesis 2:21-22).
The Bible states that Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden and banished to what we call Earth after they disobeyed God’s command not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. They then went on to have two sons Kane and Able now correct me if I’m wrong but, to have a baby it takes two normally one man and one woman (or it would have done way back then).
Populating Earth
Now if these four people were a start to the human race one man and one woman had to get together to make three. Assuming Adam and Eve alone could not populate the earth, how did the rest of us get here?
That was my question of the two canvassers they response, was parts of the bible had been deliberately omitted by a person or persons unknown to suit their agenda at some particular point in time. Then by the same token, parts of the bible could also have been added to fit with the person or person’s agenda. I then politely shut the door.
My Weird Imagination Takes Over
I was taught that both Adam and Eve were children of God so I suppose that makes them brother and sister. So that would mean their children were born of brother and sister.
Well, if Eve was created from Adam’s rib bone then Adam made love to himself and it was a man who gave birth to Kane and Able. If that sounds a bit odd how about this thought. The Bible states that Eve was created from a rib bone of Adam so when Eve gave birth to her two sons did that not make Adam the first man to bear children by proxy?
Science On A Collision Course
Please do not take offense to what is written. I take my faith very seriously, but as science marches ever forward it does make me wonder if God keeps his presence well hidden or if science is clutching at straws and has got the creation of our world wrong.
In all this, I was taught as I grew up that God is everywhere, However, I have no doubt science will undoubtedly prove one day, if it hasn’t already, that Adam and Eve never existed. So what is said does not matter anyway.
Feature Post Image by Peggychoucair from Pixabay
In Post Image by Jose Weslley from Pixabay