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A Light At The End Of The Tunnel

Mental health can strike at any time. In its mildest form depression makes everything harder to do and less worthwhile. At its worst, it can be life-threatening making those affected feel like giving up, however occasional moods of sadness and discouragement are a normal part of day-to-day living and should not be confused with depression.

The story that follows is about a young man I know very well. He could see no end to his day-to-day problems. It will show how various ailments we may all meet at one time or another can lower our resistance to mental health issues (James is not his given name).

Once upon a time, James lived in a poor part of his village, shrouded in loneliness. As the new year began, the air was filled with hope and anticipation but for James, this particular New Year brought little comfort. Instead, he struggled with a series of constant health problems that plagued his life.

Life Goes On

On that Monday morning, two days after the turn of the year, James woke up to find himself beset by multiple afflictions. His days were dominated by excruciating heartburn that seemed to strike at random, regardless of what he ate or drank. To make matters worse, he was also plagued by chronic constipation, a persistent issue that required daily medication despite its potential harm to his body.

But it didn’t stop there. A ruptured disc in his back caused excruciating pain every time he moved, making even the simplest actions a daunting task. The option of surgery loomed, but James was paralyzed by fear – what if it made things worse? It was a devil he knew versus the one he dreaded discovering.

To add insult to injury, blood tests revealed that he had developed diabetes. While clinical anxiety consumed James every waking moment, transforming even the most mundane tasks into overwhelming challenges.

Sleep became a battleground, even returning to bed in the evening became an anxious ordeal. As the week wore on, Wednesday brought another unwelcome surprise: a broken cap covering one of his front teeth.

Seeking immediate dental assistance was futile, as the dentist only attended to emergencies due to COVID-19 regulations. James’ toothache, though distressing, didn’t qualify as an emergency in the dentist’s eyes.

To Cap It All

Thursday dawned as a beacon of unexpected good fortune; James seized an opportunity to secure an appointment amidst a flurry of cancellations. The dental professional, though initially apprehensive about addressing the chipped tooth with mere temporary measures, acknowledged that an obvious gap would persist until a definitive solution could be implemented.

Meanwhile a makeshift fix was agreed upon, James harbored no illusions; he understood that his ordeal was far from over and a return visit to the dentist was inevitable.

As March loomed on the horizon — a distant but looming spectre representing the earliest feasible appointment for the much-needed dental work — James found himself in a perpetual state of anticipation. The temporary repair, while alleviating some immediate discomfort, only served as a fleeting reprieve. The toothache, fueled by his resilience against the pain, now extended its tendrils to his right ear, amplifying his suffering with each passing moment.

Painkillers became his constant companions, their numbing effect serving as a temporary escape from the relentless torment. Yet even this palliative measure carried its own drawbacks; he knew too well that the band-aid solution could not sustain him indefinitely.

A Brighter Future

On Monday, when he would once again reach out to the dental clinic, James fervently hoped for a reevaluation of his situation — an expedited appointment that would mark the end of his agonizing ordeal and restore peace to his troubled senses.

The accumulation of health problems left James feeling utterly defeated. He wondered if there would ever be an end to his suffering. One year ago, (two years + at time of posting) he was diagnosed with cancer and thought he was suffering enough. The proverbial ‘Silver Lining’ seemed elusive, casting a shadow over his every thought.


Little did James know that his story was about to take a dramatic turn. Fate had a way of weaving unwanted, and unexpected narratives, and perhaps, just perhaps, a new chapter awaited him – one filled with hope, healing, and a newfound appreciation for life’s simple joys. “I wish him well.”

The young man in this story has permitted me to use a part of his life history to show how day-to-day events can open the door to unhealthy thinking. His cancer is in remission.
I have had this post “A Light At The End Of The Tunnel” for at least one year, and have decided now would be a good time to post. Showing how life can give with one hand and when you least expect it, selfishly take with the other that’s another story (Shahdaroba 2024).

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